Subject is Active Subject is InActive 

Active voice Passive voice 

Doer of the action Receiver of the action 


I A pen 

A pen By me Was bought


1. Interchange the subject and object. 

2. Change the subject – pronoun. 

3. Add preposition ‘by’. 

4. Add ‘be’ from [ is , was, are, were, am….] 

5. Change the verb into past participle. 


In all passive sentences, 

You can seen the word ‘by’ 

‘be’ .’been’. ‘being’ words are found. 

Past participle. 


Interchange the subject and object. 

Columbus discovered America 

 Subject Object 

America ----------------------- Columbus  Subject Object 


Change the subject into pronoun


Active voice 

Passive voice

By me


By us


By you


By him


By her


By it


By them


By name


By Kalam

He eats a mango. 

A mango ........................... him. 

Step 3: 

Add preposition ‘by’ with Pronoun 

A mango ...................... by him. 

Step 4: 

Add ‘be’ verb , with subject 

A mango is ........................ by him. 

Step 5: 

Verb into past participle 

A mango is eaten by him. 


Past present Future Simple Tense - Am ,is, are, was, were, will+[be] Continuous Tense - [ing] , Being 

Perfect Tense - Have ,has ,had, +been Perfect continuous Tense 

Simple present: 

He makes coffee. 

Coffee is made by him.

Simple past: 

He made coffee. 

Coffee was made by him. 

Simple future: 

He will make Coffee. 

Coffee will be made by him. 

Present continuous : 

He is making coffee. 

Coffee is being made by him. 

Past continuous: 

He was making Coffee. 

Coffee was being made by him. 

Present perfect: 

He has made Coffee. 

Coffee has been made by him. 

Past perfect: 

He had made Coffee. 

Coffee had been made by him. 

Future perfect: 

He will have made Coffee. 

Coffee will have been made by him.

Type:1 ( Been) ( Have Verbs) 

Have has had - Been 

(i). I / We / You/ They - Have 

 He / She/ It - Has Present Tense (ii). I/We/You/They/He/She/It - Had - Past Tense (iii). Plural form - Have 


1. She has won the first prize. 

The first prize has been won by her. 

2. He had sent the parcel. 

The parcel had been sent by him. 

3. They have written the homework. 

The homework has been written by them. 

4. Mala has written a novel. 

A novel has been written by Mala. 

5. Raju has mended the TV set. 

The TV set has been mended by Raju. 

6. Shanthi has completed her work. 

Shanthi's work has been completed by her. 

7. We had made a mistake. 

A mistake had been made by us. 

8. Rani has eaten a mango. 

A mango has been eaten by Rani.

9. I have helped a beggar. 

A beggar has been helped by me. 

10. I have helped beggars 

Beggars have been helped by me. 

11.I have bought a watch. 

A watch has been bought by me. 

12.She has written two letters. 

Two letters have been written by her. 

13.You have answered the question correctly. The question has been answered correctly by you. 

14.You have broken the chairs. 

The chairs have been broken by you. 

15.NesaPriya had completed the work. 

The work had been completed by NesaPriya. 

16.The court has found the prisoner guilty. The prisoner has been found guilty by the court. 

17.Someone has stolen my watch. 

My watch has been stolen. 

18.They have pulled down the old house. The old house has been pulled down by them. 

19.I had posted a letter. 

A letter had been posted by me. 

20.She has learned her lessons 

Her lessons have been learned by her.

21.He will have finished his work. 

His work will have been finished by him. 

22.He will have eaten a mango. 

A mango will have been eaten by him. 

23.Boys will have constructed the bridge. 

The bridge will have been constructed by the boys. 

24.They will have built this building by next May. This building will have been built by them by next May. 

25.Madhu will have refined the process. 

The process will have been refined by Madhu. 

26.The CBI will have solved the problem. 

The problem will have been solved by the CBI. 

27.Ravi will have played Cricket. 

Cricket will have been played by Ravi. 

28.I shall have helped a beggar. 

A beggar shall have been helped by me. 

29.I shall have helped beggars. 

Beggars shall have been helped by me. 

30.They will have written the letter. 

The letter will have written by them.


Must, Will , May, Shall – Be 

1. He will buy a car. 

A car will be bought by him. 

2. They must arrest the culprits. 

The culprits must be arrested by them. 

3. Ram will drink coffee. 

Coffee will be drunk by Ram. 

4. They may win the match. 

The match may be won by them. 

5. My uncle will visit me on my birthday. I will be visited by my uncle on my birthday. 

6. They will finish the work soon. 

The work will be finished by them soon. 

7. I will never forget this experience. 

This experience will never be forgotten by me. 

8. Stanley will inform you later. 

You will be informed by Stanley later. 

9. I will finish the work. 

The work will be finished by me. 

10.We must keep the rule. 

The rule must be kept by us.

11.Someone will finish the work by 5pm. 

The work will be finished by 5pm. 

12.We shall win the match. 

The match shall be won by us. 

13. I shall help a beggar. 

A beggar shall be helped by me. 

14.Babu will write the exam. 

The exam will be written by Babu. 

15.Our CEO Ayyannan will give the prize to Meenakshi. The prize will be given by our CEO Ayyannan to Meenakshi. 

16.They must do it at once. 

It must be done at once. 

17.Madhu will refine the process. 

The process will be refined by Madhu. 

18.Ravi will play cricket. 

Cricket will be played by Ravi. 

TYPE 3: [Being] Singular - is/was ........ing - Being Plural - are/were 

1. Balu is painting a picture. 

A picture is being painted by Balu. 

2. The boys were decorating the school. 

The school was being decorated by the boys. 

3. The workers are building a bridge. 

A bridge is being built by the workers.

4. Mother was baking the cake. 

The cake was being baked by mother. 

5. I am helping a beggar. 

A beggar is being helped by me. 

6. I am helping beggars. 

Beggars are being helped by me. 

7. I was helping a beggar. 

A beggar was being helped by me. 

8. I was helping beggars. 

Beggars were being helped by me. 

9. He is making coffee. 

Coffee is being made by him. 

10.He was making coffee. 

Coffee was being made by him. 

11.The tiger was chasing the deer. The deer was being chased by the tiger. 

12.They are decorating the wall. The wall is being decorated by them. 

13.Rani is eating a mango. 

A mango is being eaten by Rani. 

14.Ravi was playing cricket. 

Cricket was being played by Ravi. 15.She is preparing food.

Food is being prepared by her. 

16.He is writing a letter. 

A letter is being written by him. 

17.She was writing letters. 

Letters were being written by her. 

18.They are digging a well. 

A well is being dug by them. 

19.We are painting a wall now. 

A wall is being painted by us now. 

20.She was preparing briyani last night. Briyani was being prepared by her last night. 

TYPE 4 :- 

1. He makes coffee. 

Coffee is made by him. 

2. He made coffee. 

Coffee was made by him. 

3. Somebody cleaned the room yesterday. The room was cleaned yesterday. 

4. I write a letter. 

A letter is written by me.

5. You bought a book. 

A book was bought by you. 

6. She does not eat a mango. 

A mango is not eaten by her. 

7. I read the novel. 

The novel is read by me. 

8. I eat chocolates. 

Chocolates are eaten by me. 

9. The children painted these pictures. 

These pictures were painted by the children. 

10.Raju gives a letter. 

A letter is given by Raju. 

11.Kala sang a song. 

A song was sung by kala. 

12.The cow eats grass. 

Grass is eaten by the cow. 

13.Aadhavan painted the gate. 

The gate was painted by Aadhavan. 

14.The king gave the commander a reward. A reward was given to the commander by the king. OR 

The Commander was given a reward by the king. 

15.She watches a movie. 

A movie watched by her.

16.They beat him last night. 

He was beaten by them last night. 

17.Rani eats a mango. 

A mango is eaten by Rani. 

18.Ravi played cricket. 

Cricket was played by Ravi. 

19.I gave him a pen. 

A pen was given by me to him. 

20.My uncle gave me a book. 

A book was given by my uncle to me. 

21.The florist delivers flowers to my office everyday. Flowers are delivered by the florist to my office everyday. 

22.They displayed the furniture neatly. 

The furniture was displayed by them neatly. 

23.I play cricket. 

Cricket is played by me. 

24. Ram bought a car yesterday. 

A car was bought by Ram yesterday. 

 27. Mother made a cake yesterday. 

A cake was made by mother yesterday. 

 28. She gave me a ring. 

A ring was given to me by her. 

 29. Raja bought a car yesterday.

A car was bought by Raja yesterday. 

 30.Everyone eats breakfast. 

Breakfast is eaten by Everyone. 

 31. Everyone ate breakfast. 

Breakfast was eaten by Everyone. 

 32. I help a beggar. 

 A beggar is helped by me. 

 33. I help beggars. 

 Beggars are helped by me.  

 34. I helped a beggar. 

 A beggar was helped by me. 

 35. I helped beggars. 

 Beggars were helped by me. 


1. Interchange the subject and object. 2. Change the pronoun as subject 

3. Remove preposition ‘by’ 

4. Remove the ‘be’ form verb. 

5. Mani verb changed into original from. EXAMPLES: 

1. A movie is watched by him. 

He watches a movie.

2. Papers were distributed by the teacher. The teacher distributed the papers. 

3. This letter will be posted by me. I will post this letter. 

4. A watch has been bought by me. I have bought a watch. 

5. A letter has been written by her. 

She has written a letter. 

6. A pen was bought by me. 

I bought a pen. 

7. The certificates were issued to the students. They issued certificates to the students. 

8. His work was completed by the old man. The old man completed his work. 

9. A gift was given to me by him. 

He gave me a gift. 

10.He was awarded a prize by the government. The Government awarded him a prize. 

11.I am encouraged by Chinnu. 

Chinnu encourages me. 

12.America was discovered by Columbus. Columbus discovered America. 

13.Arun's car will be cleaned by him.

Arun will clean his car. 

14. The gift is accepted by me. 

I accept the gift. 

15. The students were disturbed by the noise. 

The noise disturbed the students. 

16. The game was ended by them. 

They ended the game. 

17. The pipe is fitted by the plumber. 

The plumber fits the pipe. 

18.We were permitted by our principal to go on an excursion. Our principal permitted us to go on an excursion. 

19.The songs are being sung by her. 

She is singing the songs. 

20.The school was being cleaned by them 

They were cleaning the school. 

21.The crops are being cultivated by the farmers. The farmers are cultivating the crops. 

22.The ground was being dug by the workers. 

The workers were digging the ground. 

23.Anglo - Saxon was being spoken by then 

They were speaking Anglo – Saxon. 

24.The news was being conveyed by them. 

They were conveying the news.

25.Milk is being drunk by the cat.  

The cat is drinking milk. 

26.The game has been played by us. 

We have played the game. 

27.The book had read by me. 

I had read the book. 

28.The house will have been sold by us. 

We will have sold the house. 

29.The medal had been won by the shark team. The shark team had won the medal. 

30.The letter has been delivered by the postman. The postman has delivered the letter. 

31.The song had been sung by us. 

We had sung the song. 

32.The martial art will have been learnt by me. I shall have learnt the martial art. 

33.The question has been answered by her. She has answered the question. 

34.I was beaten black and blue. 

My enemy beat me black and blue. 

35.The student's are called. 

The principal calls the students. 

36.The weather will have been forecasted. The weather man will have forecasted the weather.

37.The parcel was returned. 

The postman returned the parcel. 

38.I am threatened. 

Someone threatens me. 

39. The problem was solved by me. 

I solved the problem. 

40.The results will be published tomorrow by them. They will publish the results tomorrow. 

41. Hamlet was written by Shakespeare. Shakespeare wrote Hamlet. 

42. The electric bulb was invented by Edison. Edison invented the electric bulb. 

43. The project had been done by him 

He has done the project. 

44. A song was being sung by Rahim. 

Rahim was signing a song. 

45. Cricket is being played by us. 

We are playing Cricket. 

46.The ball was being kicked by us. 

We were kicking the ball. 

47.The homework has been finished by us. We have finished the homework. 

48.A tree shall have been planted by me.

I will have planted a tree. 

49. The answer was given by Srikanth. 

Srikanth gave the answer. 

50. A house is being built by my uncle. 

My uncle is building a house. 



(i) Please - you are requested to.... (ii) Negative form request - you are requested not to...... EXAMPLES: 

1. Please assemble in the ground. 

You are requested to assemble in the ground. 

2. Please do not use mobile phones here. 

You are requested not to use mobile phones here. 

3. Work hard. 

You are advised to work hard. 

4. Do not eat junk food  

You are advised not to eat junk food. 

5. Help me. 

You are requested to help me. 

6. Don't eat this fruit. 

You are warned not to eat this fruit.

7. Please assemble in the ground. 

You are requested to assemble in the ground. 

8. Please lend your bike. 

You are requested to lend your bike. 

9. Please close the door. 

You are requested to close the door. 

10.Shut up. 

You are warned to keep quiet. 

11.May God bless you. 

May you be blessed by God. 

12.Switch on the light. 

You are ordered to switch on the light. 

(i) You are requested to.... 

(ii) You are ordered to... 

(iii) You are advised to.... 

(iv) You are warned to ..... 


1. Interchange the subject and object 

2. Add Let or Let .... not 

3. Add be form 

4. Change the verb into past participle 


1. Close the door 

 Let the door be closed. 

2. Do not close the door.

 Let the door not be closed. 

3. Do it at once. 

 Let it be done at once. 

4. Don't pluck the flower.  Let the flower not be plucked. 

5. Give the pen. 

 Let the pen be given. 

6. Open the door. 

 Let the door be opened. 

7. Shut the door. 

 Let the door be shut. 

8. Say the prayers. 

 Let the prayers be said. 

9. Speak the truth. 

 Let the truth be spoken. 

10. Select the flowers. 

 Let the flowers be selected. 

11. Give me water. 

 Let water be given to me. 

12. Don't do this. 

 Let this not be done. 

13. Don't insult the poor.  Let not the poor be insulted. 

14. I request you.

 You are requested. 

15. Never tell a lie. 

 Let a lie never be told. 

16. Clean this room. 

 Let this room be cleaned. 

17. Don't disturb him while sleeping. Let him not be disturbed while sleeping. 18. Carry it home. 

 Let it be carried to home. 

19. Don't beat the dog. 

 Let not the dog be beaten. 

20. Don't touch it. 

 Let it not be touched. 

21. Put on the light. 

 Let the light be put on. 

22.Let him buy the book. 

 Let the book be bought by him. 

23. Let me do this sum. 

 Let this sum be done by me. 

24. Let him eat the apple. 

 Let the apple be eaten by him. 

25. Sing a song . 

 Let a song be sung.



1. Did he write a letter? 

Was a letter written by him? 

2. Is he watching us? 

Are we being watched by him? 

3. Are you writing a letter? 

Is a letter being written by you? 

4. Is she beating the child? 

Is the child being beaten by her? 

5. Will you accept the position? 

Will the position be accepted by you? 

6. Did she do her duty? 

Was her duty done by her? 

7. Have you finished the report? 

Has the report been finished by you? 

8. Did you write the test? 

Was the test written by you? 

9. Have you invited Raman to the party? 

Has Raman been invited by you to the party? 

10. Do you complete the work? 

Is the work completed by you? 

11.Are you drawing the picture?

Is the picture being drawn by you? 

12.Do you visit my house? 

Is my house visited by you? 



1. Who will accept this? 

By whom will this be accepted? 

2. Who has arranged the meeting? 

By whom has the meeting been arranged? 

3. When will you finish the building? 

When will the building be finished by you? 

4. How did they do this? 

How was this done by them? 

5. Who close the door ? 

By whom was the door closed? 

6. Which pen do you like? 

Which pen is liked by you? 

7. What did you do? 

What was done by you? 

8. What will you do? 

What will be done by you?

9. Who broke the windowpanes? 

By whom were the windowpanes broken? 

10.Which mobile do you want? 

Which mobile is wanted by you? 

11.Why did you buy a new pen? 

Why was a new pen bought by you? 

12.Where can you hide this book? 

Where can this book be hidden by you? 


You - by you 


1. Please call him at once. 

You are requested to call him at once. 

2. How did you cross the river? 

How was the river crossed by you? 

3. No one is borrowing the novels from the library. 

The novels are not being borrowed from the library. 

4. Will you help me? 

Will I be helped by you? 

5. Go for a jog early in the Morning. 

You are advised to go for a jog.

6. Why have you left your brother at home? 

Why has your brother been left at home by you? 

7. Nobody should violate the rules. 

The rules should not be violated. 

8. Someone has to initiate it immediately. 

It has to be initiated immediately. 

9. Have you invited Raman to the party? 

Has Raman been invited by you to the party? 

10.Please do not walk on the grass. 

You are requested not to walk on the grass. 

11.Cross the busy roads carefully. 

You are advised to cross the busy roads carefully. 

12.When will you book the tickets to Bangalore? When will the tickets be booked by you to Bangalore? 






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  ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE VOICE  Subject is Active Subject is InActive  Active voice Passive voice  Doer of the action Receiver of the acti...